Quaker marriage record for John Turnpenny & Tabitha Clarbour 15th Nov 1804.
Image courtesy of - TheGenealogist.co.uk

From a builders ledger in Philadelphia dated 1858
Pennsylvania University - is this what Frederick would have known in the 1830`s.

Pennsylvania Magazine for History & Biography 1879.
Joseph C Turnpenny is listed as the Trustee of
"The Home for Destitute Coloured Children"
Founded 1853 & Incorporated 11th April 1856 on Darnley Road near
46th Street, Philadelphia.
The object is to afford a home for destitute coloured children of our own and neighbouring counties giving them the rudiments of a simple education and training to habits of order and industry. At a suitable age they are indentured to respectable families in the county if possible. The children of those who are earning their living at domestic services are also sometimes admitted at a moderate weekly charge.

There is a number of Turnpenny`s listed on records from 1864 in America, mainly in the Philadelphia area in Military & Census records who are described as coloured, brown or black complexion. Did one of the Turnpenny`s marry or did they take their name from Joseph ?
Turnpenny web site - Updated
May 2016
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